How to Generate Power off-Grid

Posted on Category:Green Living
solar panels

People can live off the grid by generating their power. This is one of the effective ways of saving money spent on utility bills. Again, it is an ideal solution to the many people who are not connected to the grid. There are many proven and effective ways of generating power using the available resources.

Some people use fossil fuel to light their homes and cooking while others use car batteries to charge their mobile devices. These sources of energy are expensive. People have come up with innovative and sustainable energy solutions such as solar, waste-powered bio-digesters and wind power. You can learn more about of-grid power systems and their benefits by referring to reputable websites on the internet. Outlined here below are the proven methods for generating power off-grid:

Wind Electricity

wind power

Power from the wind is used in running turbines which generate electricity. This is one of the viable options for off-grid electricity. Knowing the average speed of wind in your area can help you in estimating the power produced by your system. Remember that wind varies greatly from one region to another. The power produced depends on the size of the turbine and the average speed of the wind. Ideally, you should choose a turbine that can power all your home appliances.

Microhydro Electricity

The micro-hydro electricity is another off-grid energy system that is not known by many people. It used running water to generate electricity. Water from a raised level has potential energy which turns the turbine. This is a cost-effective method that can produce more than ten times the energy produced from wind and PV for the same investment. You can produce enough energy for powering your home appliances if you have a good source of water running throughout the week. The energy produced from the system can be stored using batteries.

Solar Energy

solar cells

Many people have been using solar panels to generate   power for their homes. This option includes the use of batteries, an inverter, and photovoltaic cells. Individuals who are living in areas with many hours of solar exposure should take advantage of this method. Only a little maintenance is required since it does not have any moving parts. However, this method works when the weather is sunny. Again, powering an entire home with solar power is not cost-effective.


Energy conservation is helpful in saving money even if it does not transfer energy or generate electricity. This involves using available energy sources more effectively. You can achieve a high level of energy conservation by designing for efficacy. Efficiency upgrades are helpful in cutting back on energy demand, thereby reducing overdependence on the grid.